Our monthly Meet-Ups in Calgary, Alberta are one of our most successful programs and one that we are very proud of. Members of the BFF team lead a group conversation about trauma and healing. Participate actively or simply as a listener, as these are safe spaces to connect with BFF and the trauma and healing community.
Agreements for meetups:
1. We strive to provide a safe and inclusive space for everyone
2. We speak from our own experiences only and refrain from giving advice (No SHOULDS)
3. Please allow space for one person to speak at a time
4. Respect everyone’s individual journey and where they are today
5. How you feel is valid and OK
6. There is no hierarchy of trauma. Trauma is trauma.
7. Facilitators reserve the right to move the conversation along if necessary.
Our friends at the Centre for Wholeness and Well Being have generously donated their space to us once a month. Entry to BFF Meet-ups is FREE, but donations to support us are always welcome.
In-person meetups are held on the second Wednesday of every month at Centre for Wholeness and Well Being in Calgary (3911 Trasimene Crescent SW). We start at 7pm sharp.
April 9
May 14
June 11
Virtual meetups are held on the fourth Wednesday of every month via Zoom. Links for meetings are shared the day before the meetup on this page and on Facebook. We start at 7pm sharp.
March 26: Special guest facilitator, Angie Payne of Equine Enrichment
April 23
May 28
June 25
Updates about meet-ups can also be found on our Facebook page (be sure to subscribe for updates).
Important: Breaking Free Foundation meet-ups are primarily volunteer-run, and while we provide a safe space for conversation to take place, we do not employ licensed therapists on staff, and therefore we cannot provide counselling to any participants before, during or after the meet-ups. We are there to facilitate a safe conversation, and share our own experiences.
If you feel you need support following a meet-up or between our monthly events, we recommend reaching out to one of these great local organizations:
Distress Centre Calgary: 24-hour crisis line, 403-266-HELP (4357)
Calgary Communities Against Sexual Abuse: 403-237-5888
Please ensure you read our Terms of Use, so you understand how to interact with our social media pages.