The World Needs You Now
blogBreaking Free Foundation#friendfriday, #metoo, abuse, boys, breaking free foundation, child abuse, childhood sexual abuse, childhood trauma, conversation, emotions, healing, men, sexual abuse, sexual trauma, shame, sharing, theo fleury, transparency, trauma healing, use your voice, victor, victor walk
3 Women. 2 Horses. 1 Life-Changing Experience.
I Was Seven
blogBreaking Free Foundation#metoo, ADHD, childhood sexual abuse, emdr, Major Depressive Disorder, me too, mental health, ptsd, rape, Social Anxiety Disorder, trauma
My name is Neil Campbell and this is my story…
An open letter to any present member or alumni of The Young Canadians
Compassion and Community: April BFF Meet-up Recap
blogAmber Craigcalgary, calgary addiction, calgary community, calgary events, calgary mental health, calgary therapy, ptsd, ptsd calgary, trauma, trauma calgary
Accountability Might Look Like This | #BF4ME
#BF4ME, blogAmber Craig#bf4me, accountability, cypress hills, cypress hills trail challenge, eating, eating habits, exercise, health, just begin, mental health, running, weight loss, wellness
#MeToo | His Story
blogBreaking Free Foundation#metoo, abuse, assault, bff, boys, break the silence, breaking free foundation, childhood, conversation, girls, inappropriate touch, me too, memories, men, sexual assault, shaming, talk, trauma, women
#MeToo | Her Story
blogBreaking Free Foundation#metoo, assault, bff, boys, break the silence, breaking free foundation, childhood, conversation, girls, inappropriate touch, me too, memories, men, sexual assault, shaming, talk, trauma, whats next, women
#MeToo | My Story
blogBreaking Free Foundation#metoo, assault, bff, boys, break the silence, breaking free foundation, childhood, conversation, farm girl, fat cow, girls, inappropriate touch, me too, memories, men, sexual assault, shaming, talk, trauma, women
#MeToo | Your Story
blogBreaking Free Foundation#metoo, assault, bff, breaking free foundation, broken spirit, conversation, courage, fear, man, me too, men, news, self love, story, talk, trauma, woman, women
#MeToo | Joining the Conversation and Why Your Story Matters
blogBreaking Free Foundation#friendfriday, #metoo, bff, change, conversation, courage, healing, Hollywood, me too, men, rape, sexual assault, story, women
Mindfulness: February Meet-up Recap
blogAmber Craigaddiction, calgary, calgary events, calgary fundraiser, calgary non-profit, calgary nonprofit, calgary ptsd, calgary trauma, counselling, emdr, forgiveness, meditation, mental health, mindfulness, ptsd, spirituality, therapy, trauma, trauma therapy
What does consent actually look like?
blogAmber Craig#metoo, #SRH2018, consent, me too, relationship, sex, sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual health, sexual reproductive health awareness, sexual trauma, trauma
#BF4ME | Life's Beauty is Inseparable from its Fragility
#BF4ME, blogAmber Craig#bf4me, bff, breaking free foundation, concussion, fault, finding joy, fitness, food, healing, health, joy, no pain no gain, responsibility, running, the bad, the good, the ugly, will smith
Clarification about 'Yellowknife Healing Group'
Fight, Flight and Freedom: January Meet-up Recap
blogAmber Craigbaca, bikers against child abuse, brain trauma, fight or flight, forgiveness, growth, healing, neuroscience, ptsd, self care, spirituality, trauma, trigger
#BF4ME | New Year, New Resolutions? Nope, Just Resolve!
blogAmber Craig#bf4me, addiction, change, enable, finding joy, health, hope, joy, marathon, meditation, mental health, new year, recovery, resolutions, resolve, running, simply fit board, trauma, wellness
It'll Be Okay
blogAmber Craig#bf4me, alcohol, bff, boundaries, breaking free, broken hearted, Christmas, drinking, drunk, holidays, mental health, pain, self care
#BF4ME | Be Still My Heart
blogAmber Craig#bf4me, 5k, aging, brain injury, connection, conversation, finding joy, focus, healing, health, mental health, metabolism, weight